Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Email to drivetime today.

Mary, when I was in school I was always told there are 32 counties in Ireland.

I,m sick of being told that people shopping up north are unpatriotic by Fianna Failers.

The government has contracted companies up there to provide quangoservices, moyah as part of their contribution to the Peace process, in reality it,s because the wages are lower.

I wonder will Minister Dempsey act in a totally patriotic manner when it comes to sacrificing more jobs from Aer Lingus?

BTW i,m in the private sector, and it,s about time this government were stood up to, maybe next time the unions could possibly persuade the private sector to go out with them.

They should ask their social partners IBEC to sanction their staff participating in the next day of protest.


John Fitzpatrick